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 Natural Awakenings Lancaster-Berks

From Wounds to Wholeness

The quality of our lives reflects the balance, flow and flexibility within both our inner and outer worlds, and the awareness that resides within those layers. Choosing wholeness often activates both seen and unseen forces, as well as the intent to recollect and reconnect our most integral parts.

Lifetimes are an echo of the experiences that shape our stories and our paths, unfolding into memories and ways of being and believing. Pain and joy, poignant in their own rights, offer opportunities for deeper self-awareness. And perspective creates a window into recognizing the connections between love and loss, chaos and beauty.

This month’s issue explores courageous paths to healing trauma and the conscious effort
required to acknowledge what has been broken and lost, in the context of beginning anew. Contributors highlight the simple yet profound elements of mindful self-compassion, safe spaces, stillness and intergenerational support that foster the presence necessary to release and renew the human spirit.

The gift of physicality allows embodied wisdom to emerge, working out deeper, unconscious elements and aligning our energetic body to relax, resynchronize and regulate. Activities that generate meditative rhythms, like yoga or dance, and creative outlets such as voice and other modes of self-expression are all profoundly effective at altering brain waves and sparking the biochemical pathways that soothe and heal.

Focus is key to how and where destiny unfolds. Along with a trusted professional, a mindset of willing resourcefulness can be the perfect combination of guidance forpicking up the pieces and building something beautiful. The journey of recovery from traumatic events, grief or broken relationships can become a work of artful inspiration that adds to life-giving frequencies in our world.

Even in the aftermath of tears or a bit of trembling, our souls recognize the resonance of kindness and yearn to thrive in the gentle realm of an open heart. We invite you to love what is, to recall and practice the power of choice in any moment and to consider the strength of spiritual stamina in the face of great odds. There is deep peace in knowing that resilience is happening every day, all around us.

Here’s to supporting each other through the unfolding and reflecting our worth back to one another, no matter where we meet on the path.


Jacqueline Mast and Kendra Campbell, Co-Publishers, Executive Editors