Print Calendar Listings
This submission form is for placing your event(s)
in the pages of the monthly PRINT magazine.
Thank you for sharing your event(s) with our readers.
Because we have finite space within the print version of the magazine, the calendar section is valuable 'real estate'. Our readers love to read the print edition and see your events in print.
We offer a specified number of free listings to our print advertisers and one listing to our distribution locations (which are mutually exclusive).
'Regular' print calendar listings are offered for a moderate fee of $25 per listing without a display ad in the same issue. If you are a display advertiser in the magazine and want to exceed your number of free calendar listings, the cost is $15 per listing.
A 'Save The Date' listing is HIGHLIGHTED in a green shaded box, which is more visible and draws more attention, and is offered for $70 per listing, or $35 with a separate display ad in the same issue.
You'll be able to identify the type of listing and the 'free' or 'paid' status of your listings in the form below.
PLEASE NOTE: An unlimited number of calendar events can ALSO be submitted separately for free to appear on our website. Just click on the CALENDAR link in the top navigation bar, then click on the green "Add Your Event" button, then create an account or access your existing account and edit your online listings directly to the website calendar.
To submit your calendar event(s) to the PRINT magazine, please fill out the form below:
To submit your calendar event(s) to the PRINT magazine, please fill out the form below: