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 Natural Awakenings Lancaster-Berks

Cultivate the Quiet Within

We welcome you to our special May Women’s Wellness issue, in which we honor and celebrate the strength and brilliance of the feminine spirit. We trust that it will be the perfect companion to your emergence of new ways of living during this spring season for personal growth, health, fitness and emotional well-being as you make your own unique contributions to the evolution of our world.

Considering wholeness beyond the construct of gender, we can celebrate what has been coined the “divine feminine” in each of us—that which is ready to receive, grow, nurture, support and inspire new beginnings, and bring about peaceful ways of living and being. These qualities encompass the ability to empathize with others, deeply intuit, create and embody the understanding that we are connected to the sacredness of all life—gifts that allow us to be in the flow, to feel fully and to simply be.

Being and finding balance require a foundation of stillness and poise garnered from our most sacred and contemplative spaces. It moves us beyond superficial identities to our innermost self, our motivations, our intentions and goals, our vision and passions; and what may be holding us back and what moves us forward. It requires intention, taking a few moments a day, or longer if we can, to cultivate the quiet within ourselves.

It’s challenging to tame the conscious mind, to sit in stillness and choose this practice over managing all that calls us forth, yet our soul continues to bring us back and prioritize this time of stillness and being. We are called too, to deeply connect with others seeking a similar path—to share openly, vulnerably, to seek help and support and to give it as we can, because together, we can manifest healing for ourselves and our world.

With gratitude for sacred connections,

Kendra Campbell and Jacqueline Mast, Co-Publishers, Executive Editors

I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.
—Brené Brown