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 Natural Awakenings Lancaster-Berks

Relationships Change the World

Year-end reflections abound as we ease into this final month, merging a time of gratitude with one of traditions and celebrations that make meaning out of holy days and silent nights. We pause in a moment of stillness to acknowledge the reality of holding both the joys and the sorrows this collective energy can evoke. We honor the resilience of humanity and the pervasive drive to gather in various ways, and in gratitude and support, we nourish ourselves with songs that give voice to our souls. We know that the heart has a way of bridging chasms the mind cannot understand, and that when the human spirit seeks light, new space opens up to share beauty and goodness with each other on our way.

How does all of this festivity fit into a meaningful whole? How do we consciously take part in events and rituals that have evolved into annual checklists, charity drives and gift exchanges? The common denominator here, magnified in the glow of the season, is the human experience. Shared existential questions, whispered dreams and underground fears connect us as beings more alike than different. Though diverse in detail, we cannot help but mirror each other in our basic design, our motivations to see and be seen and to belong.

This month’s contributors share an inspiring collection of pieces illuminating the brilliance in our ability to make choices that empower ourselves and each other. Generosity is a concept that expands exponentially from a foundation of creative, heartfelt intent and our feature story, “The Grace of Giving and Receiving,” shows just how far and wide that giving can travel. Community has many layers, and the investments made at any level have ripple effects that circulate loving kindness in a magnitude far greater than we can imagine.

Each day is another opportunity to uplift our neighbors, our co-workers, our family members and friends. The healing power of connection has been documented for decades and proves how readily the essence of vitality can be passed along in even the subtlest of ways. Gifts of the heart come in so many packages; a silent prayer, a respectful nod, a calming hand offered in the right moment, all can initiate a shift for someone in need.

We can take this time of year to look back from where we’ve come, but more importantly, we can look forward to the future we are all creating. The boundless potential inherent in us all is a seed planted before we were born, an intelligence of our combined body, mind and spirit that in coherence can work miracles. When we believe in this special ability to fine-tune our awareness and transcend petty divisions both within ourselves and within our relationships, we have taken a step in committing to the peace that will change our world.

Here’s to the light in each of us … cheers and blessings to all!

Jacqueline Mast and Kendra Campbell, Co-Publishers, Executive Editors