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 Natural Awakenings Lancaster-Berks

Letter From the Publishers | December 2018

Co-publishers Campbell & Mast

Light shines its brightest in the dark. This swift and decisive time of transition toward the closing of yet another year leaves us holding grief in one hand and gratitude in the other, and clarity is always at the mercy of this balance. An hour of sleep gained and an hour of daylight lost, we regroup, we choose love, and we offer waves of prayer and solidarity to light up the night sky. 

            The holidays are typically loaded with festive and full schedules, lists, feasts, family dynamics and all the nuances of tradition. Special rituals and commercial excess mingle in colorful cascades that cover a vast array of cultures and generations, and focus varies widely in navigating those activities that mean the most. 

            Such times are not immune to grief and confusion, and through the principles of peace and harmony that shaped the original traditions, they carry the strength to hold all aspects of our most authentic selves. Simple gifts, basic kindness and slowing the pace to savor, notice and remember are all details that can help reclaim the moments and buffer cumulative noise. No one needs permission to create unique experiences, simple rituals or just space to linger in the quiet. Tapping into stillness evokes the glow of serenity of our subtle energetic body and grounds us into our physical body, aligning with the conviction we need to live out our gifts in this world.

            Perception of this season unfolds through the attention we give, following thoughts and beliefs to create reality’s lens. This December issue passes the torch of our collective and ongoing awakening into yet another phase, honoring past luminaries and reflecting on the power of a mass movement committed to humanity’s greater good. A new universe is being created in every moment and we share in this radiance, standing together between heaven and Earth.

            Linda Sechrist highlights the course of this “Global Wake-up Call”on page 20, and the quantum leap in consciousness that has been underway for some time. Through the shifts that have built bridges, networks and dreams, we are now surrounded by steadfast voices of loving kindness, freedom and equality. Jacob Liberman, our Wise Words subject on page 18, adds another layer to this concept of evolutionary action. He offers thoughts on the spark that circulates life, a divine essence connecting all things. Choosing to see and feel this flame stokes an understanding of our innate goodness and the intricate order of our unity. 

            Opportunities to catch this current of vitality infuse our world; a moment to step into the crunch of frost at dawn or the chill of evening air to catch the glimmers of art in the sunset allow for surges of this month’s sweet magic. The dazzle of these details illuminates all that is necessary to enliven the senses and ignite our infinite and empowered existence.

                        ~Jacqueline Mast

             Light is stronger than the dark and calling on the divine essence that is accessible in any moment activates a heavenly template of compassion to illuminate the shining pulse of wisdom within. Join us in giving ourselves and others the gift of presence during this time, creating space for all that we carry, to honor the ordinary and uplift the extraordinary in each new day.

                        ~Kendra Campbell & Jacqueline Mast, Co-Publishers