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 Natural Awakenings Lancaster-Berks

Letter From the Publishers | February 2018

Kendra & Jacqueline, Co-Publishers

Human nature is social; we come from one another, live with, learn from, leave and return to each other in the most extraordinary, perplexing and poignant ways. These relationships are enlivened by the complexity that ignites our cast of fellow characters; heroes are everywhere as things fall apart and then fall back together again. Fortunately, social constructs have shifted toward a more transparent existence, highlighting the brilliance of our collective resilience.

Adversity does not discriminate, seeping through populations with everyday doses of unexpected loss, abrupt change and the challenges of worldwide social inequities. Upending “normal”, these trials cause us to take pause; it seems to be personal, it could appear to be a solo ride—but it just isn’t so. Solidarity has risen into more than a movement. The web of support is as firm and tangible as it is ethereal, an ever-changing and riveting matrix of divine connections.

Amidst my own personal transitions years ago, I was exploring a local bookstore during work-related travels, when the late John O’Donohue’s masterpiece Anam Cara, A Book of Celtic Wisdom, literally fell off a shelf and flew directly into my heart. The book’s timeless perspective on the topics of friendship, solitude and the sacred language of spirit resonated deeply. The very next day our Irish-born conference leader blessed us by reading some of the poet’s most beautiful prose; it just happened to be the week of his unexpected passing.

O’Donohue’s legacy is vast, rekindling an awareness of nature’s raw beauty and the delicate cycle of life. His language unveils reverence and the wonder of falling in love with the process of cultivating true kinship. Building a background context of trust, his mystical narrative dances into the divine experience of all that is sacred in relationship, allowing authentic and unconditional acceptance to frame a universal sense of belonging. Through reflections on the concept of “soul friend”, he delivers the timeless and essential idea of being good to oneself and others.

The solid foundation that social supports play in building quality of life and longevity has been studied for years, and the positive role of quality human connection in response to trauma-specific needs is now clearer than ever. Transformation is an evolution of communal and cellular re-organization, moving toward higher frequencies and more harmonious life rhythms. Spanning the realms of science and neurology to the sacred circles that ignite and embrace, the world is lit up by documented examples of healing.

February’s issue highlights the finesse in embracing courageous transitions with both faith and action, offering a variety of inspiring options to ground, center and re-connect with vital and restorative sources. This community contains worlds of expertise and compassionate guidance in the realms of personal meditation, sound healing, contemplative prayer, physical exercise and rituals to honor the natural world.


Choices and hope prevail within the dignity of an intentional recovery, revealing the magnificent potential of the human spirit. The courage to leap is an intention to live in a new way, choosing freedom over fear and believing in a return to wholeness.

                                    ~Kendra & Jacqueline