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 Natural Awakenings Lancaster-Berks

Letter From the Publishers, August 2015

Our inborn, human drive to connect creates an evolving perspective on alliances, kinship and the tribal networks that diversify and honor what it means to belong. Poet Max Ehrmann’s words remind us: “You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.”

What we consider familial bonds now often spans continents, with our common humanity uniting us as souls attuned to shared experiences. DNA and ancestral lineage are part of the picture, but ultimately families come in all dimensions, shapes and sizes, revealing the power of affirmation and unconditional love for supporting healthy growth and life exploration.

It’s the time of year for trips and adventures that inspire the creativity arising from the pursuit of new discoveries. This late summer issue proposes activities for kids in the context of safe and balanced supervision, with contributors considering thoughtful, fun approaches to learning. Our feature, “Enlightened Parenting,” takes an honest look at how the combination of engaged presence and the wisdom in knowing when to let go, together enables adults to better support and guide children of all ages.

Environments that facilitate independence allow for freedom to know a larger world and push beyond immediate circles to foster healthy initiatives of intrigue and inquiry. Those relationships built on trust connect the networks that span our globe and support an awareness of unity that defies physical boundaries. Already, a whole new generation is adding bright rays of hope, as young hearts and minds live with wonder, awe and appreciation for a world wide enough to embrace all.

             ~Jacqueline Mast

Here’s to safe and sun-filled ventures near and far. Enjoy and travel well!

            ~Jacqueline Mast & Kendra Campbell, Co-publishers