Mindful Palliative Care at Home

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Choices Palliative &
Supportive Care at Home, a new program of Hospice & Community Care,
provides specialized care at home for people living with serious illness.
Palliative care is a subspecialty of medicine devoted to managing the symptoms
of serious illness versus managing the illness itself. “We care for patients
living with serious illness and assist with things like symptom management,
advance care planning and helping patients create a plan of care that supports
their goals and wishes,” explains Dr. Colleen Hazlett-O’Brien, director of
in-home palliative care. “Palliative care is for people who want to improve
their quality of life, who are looking to understand their illness and to
understand what their treatment options are related to their illness, and who
want to ensure they are getting the type of care that is right for them and
their loved ones.”
“Palliative care helps people understand the choices that they have
available to them regarding their care and comfort,” shares Hazlett-O’Brien.
“We are giving patients a sense of control over their lives at a time
when illness has taken away much of that control. We can give patients and
families information to allow them to make choices with knowledge and
forethought. It is very powerful to give control back to our patients. Control
is in short supply for people with serious illness.”
Every member of the Choices team
helps patients with decision-making and life planning. They also educate
patients and families on how to manage their own symptoms.
Director of Specialty Services
Steve Sensenich, RN, says, “What I love about supportive and palliative care in
general is that the care that we provide to patients doesn’t need to fit into a
box. The Choices program allows us to tailor what services we provide to
patients based on what they need. It’s not only an efficient way to provide
services, but a customized plan of care for patients. We can make our program
what we want it to be and what it needs to be for patients.” The Choices
program provides care to adults facing a serious illness and can be provided
along with curative approaches such as cancer treatments, dialysis, or
cardiac/pulmonary rehab.
“The Choices program aligns most effectively with our mission and skill
set, as we excel at taking care of patients at home,” explains Dr. Vermette,
vice president and chief medical officer. “The program also exposes more people
to Hospice & Community Care. Many people think that palliative care means
that a patient is near end of life or must have a short prognosis. The Choices
program allows us to expand what we can do for patients who are further out in
their disease process.”
Hazlett-O’Brien notes, “What
makes our program unique is that we have the ability to bring a physician,
nurse practitioner, nurse, social worker and chaplain into patients’ homes
through a mixture of telehealth and in-person visits. Unlike traditional
palliative care programs, which often provide outpatient care in a traditional
clinic setting, we will go to the patient, eliminating any barriers for
patients who find it difficult to leave their homes for medical appointments.
Our team works closely with a patient’s community providers, and anyone can
make a referral to Choices including patients and family members, not just
medical providers.”
Sensenich advises, “We are not
here to take the place of the patient’s family doctor or specialist. Our goal
is to work with those who the patient is already working with to help manage
their symptoms. We are the eyes and ears in
the home for primary care physicians and specialists.”
more information, call 877-898-0685 or visit ChoicesHealth.org.