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 Natural Awakenings Lancaster-Berks

ResonateYou Sound Therapy

ResonateYou is conducting Vibrational Sound Therapy Private Sessions, a new specialty of sound therapy, this fall. Jen Lobo Rose says, “You may have heard of sound baths or meditations, but VST sessions, or Vibrational Sound Therapy, is when the specially designed singing bowls are placed directly on top of the client during the meditation (with clothes and blankets, as well). This helps the client more quickly attain a deeper meditative state. When you are able to go into a lower brainwave state sooner, your body is able to fully relax longer and has a deeper impact into helping raise the parasympathetic part of your nervous system.”

Rose is a singer, vibrational sound therapy practitioner, composer and owner of ResonateYou, teaching voice for 20 years to people of all ages: pre-teens, teens and adults. She has been singing since she was 3 years old, and loves to help people learn about their body as an instrument; it is her favorite thing to do.

Cost is $110. Location: Lititz. For more information, email [email protected] or visit