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 Natural Awakenings Lancaster-Berks

Emergence Skin Care Studio Takes a Client-Centric Approach

Jul 31, 2023 09:31AM ● By Sheila Julson
As a former special education instructor, Rashell Brunner, of Emergence Skin Care Studio, knows the importance of lifelong learning. The spa she founded in 2012 offers massage and bodywork, skin services such as traditional facials and ReZenerate custom facials, microdermabrasion and chemical peels, and waxing and mineral body wraps. The spa also features an infrared sauna, herbal wraps and ionic footbaths for holistic detoxification. All skin care products used are free from artificial fragrances and colors. They do not contain parabens and are not tested on animals.

Brunner attributes the longevity of the studio to an ongoing expansion of knowledge and skill, sharing, “I love what I do and I love my spa family.” She enjoys engaging with clients and educating them about skin care. Teenagers now comprise a larger portion of her clientele, which wasn’t always the case. “They are seeking skin care advice and individualized regimens specifically formulated for their own skin,” Brunner says. Emergence Skin Care Studio uses the Dermalogica line of skincare products, which includes the Clear Start product line formulated for teens. “It helps nourish skin and reduce acne. With this, we’ve been able to help teenagers with a personalized skin routine to get the best results.”

Brunner’s education and experience gives her the knowledge to recognize skin issues and refer a client to a dermatologist or to their own family doctor when necessary.

The studio is seeing more adult clients with acne lately. “Stress is the number one producer of adult acne,” says Brunner. “I try to figure out where their stress is coming from by asking specific questions: ‘Is this a work-related stress, family stress or something that’s temporary or ongoing?’ Stress affects cortisol levels and increases oil production in the sebaceous glands. That extra oil can lead to adult acne.”

During summer’s dog days in August and September, Brunner reminds people to apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 50 for the face. “Sunscreen is the number one thing people should spend their money on to protect their skin from the sun’s damaging rays,” she advises.

This fall, Emergence will offer advanced skin renewal treatments to stimulate collagen production, tighten and firm the skin, and reduce scarring. Brunner emphasizes that as an aesthetician, she shares her clients’ skin care journeys. “It’s all about partnership. I tell them, ‘Let’s work together to get you where you want to be,’” she says.

Emergence Skin Care Studio engages the community by providing gift baskets to local schools for fundraisers. Each year at their Fall Open House, they choose a nonprofit to support and attendees that donate in-kind items to the nonprofit receive a chance to win complimentary services from the studio. Brunner notes that they have supported many pet rescue organizations.

She expresses gratitude for the many factors that have helped sustain Emergence Skin Care Studio over the years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. “I never expected to have a staff. I started a little studio just for myself, and one by one, we built that space, and Emergence grew,” Brunner says. “I have clients that have been with me since their teens, and now I’m helping them with their facials and makeup for their weddings. It’s wonderful to be part of people’s lives.”

Emergence Skin Care Studio is located at 119 Oakridge Dr., in Mountville. For more information, call 717-419-4766 or visit