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 Natural Awakenings Lancaster-Berks

Teen Writing Camp

Write From the Heart will offer its yearly Teen Summer Writing Camp from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on July 24, 25 and 28, 2023, online via Zoom.

Professional writer and writing coach Melissa Greene says, “Classes are meant to reduce stress, bolster confidence and inspire young people to love writing, in school or out. They are relaxed,  non-intimidating and free-spirited. There are no grades, tests or judgement, so we can be our best creative selves.”

Taught with compassion, warmth and humor, her workshops emphasize curiosity, playfulness and the art of being present and mindful to the world around us. “Since 2002, we have been a safe, welcoming retreat where young people can slow down, overcome perfectionism and self-doubt, and tune into the calm that writing without anxiety and restrictions brings to our lives,” shares Greene.

Registration required at 717-393-4713 or