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 Natural Awakenings Lancaster-Berks

Six Ways to Practice Mindfulness While Having Fun

Jan 27, 2019 09:46PM ● By Danielle Nuhfer

Mindfulness is simply paying attention to what is happening in the present moment. Mindfulness activities are like doing exercises for the brain, but kids will also have fun doing them. Parents can encourage relaxation and the development of positive coping skills by adding some of these mindfulness activities to the daily routine:

Blowing Bubbles.When blowing bubbles, children focus on slowing down their breathing and becoming aware of just one objective. Encourage younger children to watch the bubbles float in the air and land. Both the blowing and the observing are great mindfulness practices.

Going on Safari.While walking or playing outdoors, have children find as many critters, animals or other living beings as they can. They will begin to slow down and study where different animals reside and hide, really noticing the outdoor environment in a new and different way.

Sensing the Senses.Encourage children to check in with their five senses. Simply ask them to pause and describe what they see, hear, smell, taste and touch. This simple exercise can allow a child to concentrate on their real-time experience. 

Food Fun. Try a blindfolded food taste test. This game helps children focus on an individual bite of food and requires them to use other clues to figure out what food they are eating.  

Hot Cocoa Breaths. This is a great activity to help a child visualize mindful breathing. Model long, slow and gentle breaths with a steaming cup of hot cocoa and refer to this type of breathing when the child needs to slow down.

Gratitude A-B-Cs. At dinner time or before bed, have each person share something they are grateful for in the order of the alphabet. This game encourages focus, reflection and presence, all while cultivating a grateful heart.  


Danielle Nuhfer, MEd and certified mindfulness instructor, provides mindfulness instruction and wellness coaching to educators and their students through Teaching Well. For more information, email [email protected] or visit