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 Natural Awakenings Lancaster-Berks

Letter From the Publishers | September 2020

Kendra & Jacqueline, Co-publishers

The energy of a new season is upon us, bringing another shift in a world continuing to turn in its own unique way. Life is reminding us of the art of letting go; of schedules, routines and plans, and how we view our health and our futures. We are seeing the wisdom in creating new approaches, discerning a way forward by wrapping our hearts around the hope that remains, knowing that we are still all in this together.

When we are in a difficult or stressful space, there are ways that we can care for ourselves. Mindful breathing is one of the most effective ways that we can bring ourselves into the moment, allowing us to sit with our emotion and observe our breath until the emotion passes. We are able to refine our focus with a gentler perspective, finding self-understanding and a way forward in the stillness. Soul-centered honesty and self-compassion, along with the divine simplicity and power in each breath are the tenants of a personal practice that can evolve into a way of living that has the strength and stamina to help us move through the challenges of these times.

In our pages this month, you’ll discover content from our contributors that help us care for ourselves and others, building and sustaining resilience and finding the softer strength within. Our feature, “Emotional Well-Being in the Pandemic Age,” looks at ways we can find calm in the chaos. The importance of breath as the key to wellness, happiness and life is shared by Swamini Shraddhananda Saraswati on page 25, and in celebration of yoga month, we highlight the myriad benefits of adaptive yoga, suitable for every body.

In our Wise Words piece, award winning author Sandra Marinella is asked to illuminate the healing power of writing our stories. Reclaiming past events, perhaps in the written word, is an opportunity to manage our beliefs and enjoy a greater lightness of being. Other contributors speak to increasing resilience for kids, share ways we can build our own happiness and present recipes from an herbal harvest that offer up a flavorful immunity-boost.  

In whatever the ways you choose to care for and nurture yourself and others, we trust you will find peace and beauty from within and without.

Jac & Kendra